It is part of the work Presence of Don Fernando Ortiz in the Psychiatry Cuban Transcultural

Don Fernando Ortiz's work is present in the Psychiatry Cuban Transcultural, Latin American and World. As we have suggested in previous works, their study is essential for any Psychiatrist, or little will be able to understand of the expressions and of the culture and its patients' Social Psychology.

The author of this work, has worked in different rural communities of the Provincia Habana, verifying during several years of practice countless contributions of the Dr. Ortiz. It has been of invaluable value the knowledge of their work, and the recognition of the influence yoruba in their professional practice. Of there the use of proverbs of this culture arises in the brief Psychotherapy, work presented in the first meeting of ALADDA in our country, in the University of Havana in 1989, to the one that equally remit to the interested ones.

We refer to the handling and approach to patients that still not being practitioners, they manifest in their anxiety on their illness expressions sincréticas: salao being", the I don't know what I have above", the joke to my for sure they tossed me something", something has to have behind", I will have go to see a sorcerer", amen of other believing patients that express tajantemente that apart from their illness, the origin is a damage, bilongo, masange or witchcraft.

It becomes necessary, indispensable, to have the cultural information of the presence of the phenomenon of the transculturación to understand them and to be able to assist them and finally to help them that is in definitive the objective of the profession.


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